Mindfulness w biznesie

Free webinar - mindfulness in business - January 13, 2023 - my mindful way

Do you know that voice whispering in your ear?

I should have predicted this earlier. Others handle this better/faster. I didn't notice it again. How could I not have predicted this? I'll double-check it, it should be perfect. If I'm going to stand behind this, it has to be tip-top.

During this webinar: ✔️ We will talk about what you can do when the voice of the critic or perfectionist speaks up. ✔️ We will explore when it's worth listening to them, or rather, what is worth hearing from them.

Gifts: Each attendee will receive a downloadable gift at the end of the webinar and the opportunity to purchase our courses at a special price.

✔️ We will discuss how to support yourself when the critic or perfectionist becomes active. ✔️ You will experience the bodily reactions when your inner critic or perfectionist speaks up.

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Świadome rodzicielstwo (2)

Europejski Dzień Mózgu - 18.03.2024 r., godz. 18.00-19.00 Bezpłatne spotkanie online

Zapraszamy rodziców na spotkanie online: Rodzicielski stres a ewolucja. Po co troskliwym rodzicom wiedza o mózgu i czemu ją trudno wprowadzić w życie?