Nika Chmielewska - certyfikowana przez Mindfulness Association nauczycielka Kursu Życia Opartego na Uważności

Mindful Compassionate Parenting is now available in Polish - sign up for the next edition

Mindful Compassionate Parenting is an absolute novelty in Poland.

It is a unique course that combines elements from various contemplative approaches and paths - a 10-week program for parents that includes mindfulness and self-compassion exercises in everyday family life. It helps recognize, understand, and change unconscious patterns of reacting and responding to stress. Mindful parenting increases peace and brings more confidence to the parental heart. The Mindful Compassionate Parenting (MCP) program was developed by German psychiatrist and psychotherapist Jörg Mangold - he integrated his professional knowledge and many years of experience with the approach of mindfulness practice. In 2019, the course program was certified as a stress prevention course in Germany and can be subsidized by health insurance funds in Germany. The program has scientific foundations in mindfulness (according to Jon Kabat-Zinn's MBSR approach), mindful self-compassion (approach by Chris Germer and Kristin Neff), positive neuroplasticity (Rick Hanson), and biological systems of motivation and emotion regulation (based on Paul Gilbert's work). The MCP program is currently being researched with German universities in Heidelberg and Kassel, aiming to measure the impact of the program, with a particular focus on the element of compassion.

Facilitators: Ewa Orłowska - an experienced teacher of mindfulness and compassion programs. She is a co-founder of the EduMind Mindfulness in Education Foundation and a member of the training team of Mindfulness Association Poland. She conducts courses such as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Mindfulness-Based Living Course (MBLC), Compassion-Based Living Course (CBLC), as well as dedicated programs for specific groups such as mindfulness for teachers and people working in helping professions, mindfulness and compassion for parents, and courses for youth (MBLC YA and .b Mindfulness Program). Ewa began practicing mindfulness as part of Zen training in the 1980s. Since then, she has been practicing meditation, participating in retreats, and leading her own meditation retreats. She has previously worked in an experimental kindergarten, served as a teacher, school principal, and consultant at the Education Development Center. She is the author of educational programs and materials and a certified Nonviolent Communication trainer.

Weronika Chmielewska - a certified Mindfulness teacher - conducts 8-week Mindfulness-Based Living Course (MBLC), co-founder and president of the EduMind Mindfulness in Education Foundation, owner of My Mindful Way Nika Chmielewska, supports parents in Conscious Parenting as a Conscious Parenting Coach at the Institute of Dr. Shefali Tsabary. Co-founder of the Mindful Parent Institute. With an economics background, she works as an insurance broker and is a mother of two teenage sons. She lives in a home with special needs.

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O kursie

MCP emphasizes self-care, stress management, self-regulation, and being mindful rather than focusing on doing everything perfectly. The majority of parents who have participated in the MCP program have reported that they now pay more attention to what is nurturing rather than what is necessary - both for themselves and for their relationship with their children.

No prior meditation preparation or mindfulness knowledge is required to participate in the program.

Thanks to the Erasmus Plus program, Mindful Compassionate Parenting is being introduced in various European countries, including Poland.

Mondays starting from September 18, 2023, from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM, online, live.

Ten kurs jest dla ciebie jeżeli:

You feel exhausted, overwhelmed, frustrated, and stressed out by parenting.

If you need more joy and ease in your relationship with your child instead of constantly doing tasks and striving for something.

No previous mindfulness experience is required, and parents who have taken mindfulness courses or have their own practice will also benefit.

Pozytywne efekty udowodnione badaniami to

Mindful Compassionate Parenting helps to:

  • Increase mindfulness in the parent-child relationship.
  • Be more understanding towards your children and partner.
  • Experience oneself and children with greater acceptance and compassion.
  • Develop a stronger bond with your children.
  • Trust your own heart.
  • Handle stressful situations better, thereby reducing overall stress.
  • Decrease behavioral and emotional problems between parents and children.
  • Cultivate happiness and stay connected with your heart.
  • Build internal resources from positive experiences.
Topics of the successive modules:
Week 1: Discovering mindfulness and reactivity to stress.
Week 2: Mindfulness, stress, evolution.
Week 3: Stress and parental optimization traps.
Week 4: How to cultivate inner strength? Self-compassion.
Week 5: Compassion as motivation for oneself in the parenting role.
Week 6: Four supportive attitudes for parenting balance.
Week 7: Cultivating a positive perspective.
Week 8: Family life and conflicts.
Week 9: Parental boundaries and limitations.
Week 10: Living life to the fullest.
Kurs zawiera:

Course materials:
Participants receive a handbook that begins each chapter with a theoretical introduction to the topic of the week, helping to better understand the exercises and suggested practices. Each chapter of the handbook also includes a journal where notes related to the topic of the week can be made. This allows for the integration of what is learned during the course with everyday life and daily schedules in a practical way. The course materials also include audio files with recordings of formal practices. Often, shorter versions of these practices are provided, which can be easier to apply in challenging moments when longer formal practice is not possible.

Investment in improving the quality of family life: 970 PLN.

The course takes place live on the Zoom platform, and a working camera and microphone are necessary. The course will start with a minimum group of 10 people. The number of available spots for participants is limited to 16.

If finances are the only obstacle, please reach out to us - we will try to help. Payment in installments is possible.

Reserve your spot or sign up for a consultation before the course!

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MCP - Mindful Compassionate Parenting

Program dla rodziców - nowość w Polsce! (Mindful Compassionate Parenting).

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